Sunday, February 3, 2013

Restarting the Blog and Five Weeks to Go!

Wow, apparently it has been a couple of years since I've posted anything on my old travel blog. I tried to keep this thing up and running for a while after I moved to Houston, but eventually my job and normal life got in the way and I stopped writing. Well, I may be a little rusty at travel writing, but I'm about to start up again! In five weeks, my wife (Alisha) and I will be heading out on the road for a 128-day trip around the continent, from Houston to California, to Vancouver and across Canada to Southwestern Ontario. We will be attempting to use this blog as the journal of our adventures, so stay tuned here for updates along the way! In the next five weeks I hope to be posting a number of times in order to get back in the swing of writing and to fill you all in on the process of planning this sort of trip. Thanks for sticking around! --Andy

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